Refugee Week Celebration

We will be celebrating Refugee Week from Monday 19 June to Sunday 25 June with a series of events, activities, and films.

We are hosting a series of events for the week including art sessions, which will see pupils from local schools get together to make canvasses depicting their understanding of compassion with the support of Art Matters artists.

And working in collaboration with Monica Dyer, the portrait artist, we are also organising master art session for members of the public to get involved.

The weeklong celebrations will end with a Bring and Share picnic where we will be joined by our refugee families, hosts, volunteers, and friends to connect and celebrate our diverse community.

We will be showing several films throughout the week at the Harlequin Theatre and Cinema in Redhill. Confirmed titles so far include:  Limbo, Flee, Pamfir, Name Me Lawand, and My Childhood, My Country: 20 Years in Afghanistan.  And a short film ,the women Inside from  Blanckcheque company .


June 13, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ticket Price: Free


Harlequin & Cinema Theatre ,RH1 1NN
Town Hall, RH2 0SH, United Kingdom

