A selection of art installations, exhibitions and performers available for Refugee Week 2017.

If you’re interested in hosting a piece or artist at your Refugee Week event, see individual section or link for contact details.

From the Platforma Network

Installation:  Interactive sculptures by young people working with Kazzum. Click here for details
Exhibition: Memory and Revolution by Stephanie Gervais. Click here for details
Exhibition: ANON by Paul Hill and Maria Falconer. Click here for details
Music: Rafiki Jazz on tour. Click here for details
Artists: Performers from Syrian storytelling network Hikayetna. Click here for details


Counterpoints Arts Commissions

Counterpoints Arts is delighted to propose the following three commissions to organisers of Refugee Week 2017 events.

For more details, contact Dijana Rakovic on dijana@counterpoints.org.uk


Refugees Welcome, Alketa Xhafa Mripa

Refugees Welcome is a dynamic mobile installation inside a Luton tail lift van – a symbol representing refugees crossing across borders. Kosovo-born Alketa seeks to recreate the welcoming feeling she experienced when she was new to the UK. Alketa’s previous work, Thinking of You, turned a football pitch in Kosovo into a giant art installation, with thousands of dresses hung on washing lines in a powerful and poignant tribute to survivors of sexual violence.

NUF 2030

The New Union Flag, Gil Mualem Doron

The New Union Flag is a proposal for an alternative flag for the UK by artist Gil Mualem Doron. The Union Jack has never been officially adopted as the emblem of the United Kingdom but has just ‘fallen into use’. The New Union Flag is a modified version of the Union Jack, which includes designs of former colonised communities and of various ethnic and national groups that live in the UK today. The project will involve petitioning Parliament to discuss the adoption of The New Union Flag as the emblem of the United Kingdom.


Shed Your Fears, Richard DeDomenici

Shed Your Fears by Richard DeDomeneci is a booth in which two people get to confess their fears to each other.  In the context of recent sociopolitical upheavals, participants will be encouraged to share their innermost fears, and by sharing them, hopefully shedding and transcending them.  Free tea and biscuits will be provided through a slot in the wall, and depending on how the conversation goes, participants can choose to exit through the separate doors through which they entered, or meet through a third connecting door that they both have to unlock from each side.
