Refugee Week is about making connections across different cultures and experiences. It’s about expanding our circles, celebrating our differences and finding out what we have in common.
This might feel like a big task, but it can start with a simple step.
Reach out to someone you wouldn’t normally spend time with this Refugee Week. Invite them to a Refugee Week event you’re holding or going to. Introduce them to your circle. Have a conversation (or two).
This person might be someone from a local refugee or community organisation (try the Our Community section of the Refugee Week website for groups in your area). It might be a relative or acquaintance with different views to you on immigration. It could be a local business, your MP, or a journalist from a local paper, TV or radio station.
The conversation might flow like a river. But difficult conversations are good too. Take a look at our website for HOPE not hate’s resources on navigating them effectively.
Either way, your Simple Act will be part of a UK-wide movement to bring our communities a little bit closer, at a time when we need it more than ever. Thank you.
Get in touch for advice and ideas or to let us know how you get on, and share on social media using #SimpleActs (remember to get permission before sharing anyone’s photo or full name).