Audiobooks, music, and podcasts are so powerful because they can engage our minds and emotions in unique ways. They offer an accessible way to learn, be entertained, and connect with others in convenient and fun ways. So we can listen to amazing, mind expanding and heart expanding content all whilst on the move or multi-tasking or simply to give our eyes a break!

Here we have collated a list of our current favourite podcast episodes and music playlists. Like what you hear? Share it with a friend!

Here are some of our current favourite podcast series & episodes:

And music recommendations! Every year, we put together a playlist for Refugee Week; this year, we’ve included songs by refugees, and songs all about compassion. Refugee Week Playlist 2023

Have you got recommendations or reviews? Share these with us on social media using #SimpleActs #CompassionintoAction #RefugeeWeek

If your social media post includes images or names of other people, make sure you get permission first, including from parents/ guardians of anyone under 18.

Listen & Share is one of ten Simple Acts you can do for Refugee Week 2023. To view them all, visit the Simple Acts page.
