As well as holding an enjoyable event, this is a great opportunity to highlight refugee issues and possibly pick up some longer-term support.
Check if it’s possible put up a Refugee Week display, with information available for people to take away, such as fact sheets and leaflets. The Refugee Week Team has a range of print material available which can be used at events (see the Promote Your Event pages). You may also want to have collection boxes available in case people would like to make a donation.
Make sure you have enough volunteers to help the day run smoothly (bearing in mind that some inevitably drop out), and that everyone is clear about their role. Remember to get plenty of people to help with the clearing up after the event!
It is a good idea to get names and addresses of supporters. Make sure you have a signing-in book available so that people can leave their details and be kept informed of any future events in your area. Evaluation forms can also have a section for people to sign-up for newsletters/further information. This will help you keep in touch year-round and rally support for the next years’ events.
If possible, have details available of current campaigns which people may be interested in joining, or provide details of where they can find further information, for example Refugee Council, Scottish Refugee Council or Welsh Refugee Council. Visit the Refugee Week website for details of partner organisations and for details of current campaigns around asylum issues.
Make sure you are signed up to the Refugee Week mailing list as updates are sent regularly and it’s the best way to ensure you receive the most recent information. You can sign-up on the main page for UK updates, or visit the regional pages to get more local updates.
Remember to have fun and enjoy the event! Most of the time organising events is hard work, but take time to sit back and be proud of what you’ve achieved.
Finally – Good Luck!! We hope your event is a great success!