Home? Knowledge Exchange Event in Middlesbrough
Methodist Asylum Project and Peoples Voice Media are hosting our Knowledge Exchange event taking place on Tuesday 20th June at 12pm – 3pm.
The Knowledge Exchange event brings together communities and organisations to explore the findings from the HOME? project. Listening to the lived experience stories that were collected and seeking to take necessary action for the future to make Northern England better at welcoming people and offering a safe haven.
We aim to open-up a dialogue between different local people and relevant organisations about the heritage of migration in their area, how that relates to their current thinking and perceptions and what can be done to better understand, learn from and preserve this type of heritage in the future.
This event will incorporate the 25th anniversary celebration of the Refugee Week taking place alongside our Knowledge Exchange. The theme we are focusing on for Refugee Week this year is COMPASSION.
Considering recent events reported in the news that have directly targeted and alienated communities who have migrated to the UK, it behoves us to challenge this dangerous anti-migration rhetoric and to fight for justice and equality for all.
Within our own experiences we have the tools to demonstrate compassion in action, not only within our own communities, but we also have the power to extend compassion to all of humanity to make the world a better place to live in now and for future generations.