Vegan Sri Lankan Cookery Class with Migrateful

Vegan Sri Lankan Cookery Class with Migrateful

A sample menu of the dishes that will be taught include:

  • Pepper Mushroom Curry 
  • Coconut Roti 
  • Thenkai Sambal

This menu is Vegan. Allergens include: gluten.

A message from our Chef Yogi:

‘’Hi, I’m Yogi from Sri Lanka. I arrived in the UK 12 years ago, and I didn’t even know how to make a cup of tea! I depended on my friends to cook for me. Later, I decided to learn how to cook, so alone in the UK I had to learn from scratch. My teacher was my mother, who instructed me over the phone. Gradually, I learnt to recreate the tastes and smells of my home’s cuisine. I used to cook for people at the charity and they told me about Migrateful. Now I cook for neighbours and friends, and they love my tasty, spicy curries. I particularly like hot chillies, so when you cook along with me you might need to reduce the number of chillies! I am very excited to share my Sri Lankan recipes with you.”

Migrateful is an award-winning charity & social enterprise supporting asylum seekers, refugees & migrants in their journey to integration & independence through preparing them to lead cookery classes in their native cuisine. As well as Bristol, Brighton & Kent, Migrateful runs classes in London hosted at the flagship Cookery School in Clerkenwell, Holdspace (Angel), St Ethelburga’s Community Centre (Bishopsgate) and All Saint’s Parish Church (Peckham). Cuisines include Sri Lankan, Jamaican, Iranian and Nicaraguan.




June 18, 2023 @ 11:30 am

Ticket Price: £75


Migrateful Cookery School
Corporation Row, London, EC1R0HU, United Kingdom