Moroccan Cookery Class with Migrateful

Moroccan Cookery Class with Migrateful

sample menu of the dishes that will be taught include:

  • Chicken, Olive, & Lemon Tagine
  • Zalouk (Carrot Salad) 
  • Tomato & Onion Salad 

A message from our Chef Zineb:

“Hi everyone, my name is Zineb and I am from Morocco which is situated in North Africa. I inherited my great passion for cooking from my mother. I was always fascinated by her creativity. Moroccan food has consistently been ranked in the lead for being one of the best cuisines. In Morocco we have an abundance of spice, vegetables and fish that reflect on the huge repertoire of dishes we have, from couscous to tagines. It was alien for us to buy ready-made food; anything and everything was made at home. My mother pickled her own olives and it was such fun as we would all help out. She made her own bread and biscuits and dishes were all made according to the seasons.

For me, cooking is therapy, a form of art and love! I always enjoyed mealtime as it was filled with many debates, discussions and laughter around a colourful table. This sadly is starting to disappear but I try hard to maintain it within my own family (if I manage to get them to put their phones down 🙈😂)”

June 23, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ticket Price: £75


Migrateful Cookery School
Corporation Row, London, EC1R0HU, United Kingdom