Supporting Refugees Into Higher Education

Supporting Refugees Into Higher Education

Join us at our refugee Week Event to:

Recognise the achievements of students who completed the UCL IOE ReConnect – Preparation for Higher Education Programme for refugees
Raise Awareness about the barriers faced by refugees in accessing Higher Education & supporting the work of ReConnect

  • Official Opening by Professor Li Wei, Director of The institute of Education, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society
  • Presentation by Aine McAllister on recommendations for university policy makers arising from UCL Public Policy Impact and Engagement Fellowship: Developing Engagement Pathways to reduce barriers to access to Higher Education for refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Presentation by Theodros Abraham, Director/ Founder of ReConnect, on the work of ReConnect in supporting refugees into Higher Education and teaching
  • Keynote speaker: Professor Brad K Blitz
  • Students & alumni from the programme, teachers with refugee background
  • Presentation by Zhen Yang , a PhD student at University of Warwick, on an Impact Survey Report of the 59 refugees supported by ReConnect in partnership with Birkbeck University of London / Institute of Education
  • Presentation of poetry from Collaborative Authoethnographic Poetic Inquiry, carried out with ReConnect Participants

June 19, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ticket Price: Free


Jeffrey Hall
UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, England, WC1H 0AL, United Kingdom

