Postcards From Limbo (Poetry Writing Workshop)
What is it like to wait for your future to start? Write new poems exploring the theme of limbo with poet Laila Sumpton in this special refugee week workshop hosted by Catford Library. Writers at all stages of their writing journey are welcome, we will do poetry activities together and draw inspiration from creative writing by sanctuary seekers supported by Jesuit Refugee Services and their portraits by photographer Alan Gignoux. You will be able to write your own poetry postcard from the land of limbo, and a recipe of compassion – the theme for this year’s Refugee Week.
Laila has led writing workshops in schools, libraries, universities, parks and with sanctuary seekers supported by Jesuit Refugee Services and other migrant organisations. “You can see me, but I don’t exist” is an exhibition of photography by Alan Gignoux and creative writing by refugees living in Birmingham, London, and Manchester. The exhibition will be open to the public in Stratford Library from 19 June to 1 July 2023. The project and exhibition are sponsored by a National Lottery Project Grant awarded by Arts Council England.