Guest blog by Ambassador for Change at Helen Bamber Foundation

For the past three years, I’ve been working alongside my fellow Ambassadors for Change at the Helen Bamber Foundation. We’re all current clients, and we use our lived experiences to raise awareness about the struggles faced by refugees, people seeking asylum, and migrants in the UK.

Our most recent project is a powerful short animation that sheds light on the terrible impact of poor asylum accommodation on mental health and well being.

Crafting a Narrative of Change

The idea for this animation came up during a residential trip last year. We were brainstorming ways to capture the public’s attention and use metaphors to show the harsh realities so many of us face every day. Working closely with animator Maria, we created a story that vividly illustrates the challenges of inadequate housing.

In the animation, a caterpillar’s journey symbolises the difficulties faced by people seeking asylum. When the caterpillar can’t find a suitable home, it’s unable to transform into a butterfly. This represents the stagnation and despair caused by poor living conditions. In contrast, the second half shows a supported caterpillar finding a peaceful home, enabling it to develop and grow its wings. This powerful visual metaphor, narrated by a poem we co-authored as a group, poignantly highlights the emotions and struggles linked with unsuitable accommodation.

Raising Awareness and Calling for Action

Along with the animation, we have developed a briefing on asylum accommodation. It’s scheduled to be published on the Helen Bamber Foundation website on June 21st. This briefing outlines the terrible state of asylum accommodation in the UK and includes a list of demands for change. One shocking fact is that over 10,000 people were living in hotel accommodations in London by the end of March 2024, a situation known to severely damage health and well-being.

The briefing is also enriched by testimonials from myself and other Ambassadors for Change. We have shared our personal experiences of neglect in asylum accommodation, illustrating the real and often devastating impact these living conditions can have.

Engaging the Public

To spread our message even further, the Ambassadors will be taking over the Helen Bamber Foundation’s social media channels on June 21st. This takeover will be a platform for us to share more about our mission, our personal stories, and our ongoing fight for better asylum accommodation. There will even be a live Q&A session, where I will also be offering the public a unique opportunity to connect directly with us.

The work of the Ambassadors for Change is a testament to the power of storytelling and lived experience in driving social change. By sharing our stories and advocating for better conditions, we’re not only raising awareness but also inspiring action and understanding.

Join the conversation on June 21st on our social media takeover on Instagram, twitter and facebook and support us. Don’t let our quest for a more just and compassionate world stop here. Together, we can help ensure that every caterpillar finds the home it needs to become a butterfly.