Guest Blog by Araqa Collective and Voices of Bekaa

Araqa Collective is a grassroots nonprofit initiative based in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, dedicated to empowering Syrian and Palestinian refugees, as well as Lebanese youth, through photography, journalism, and creative workshops. Our mission is to provide a creative outlet for participants to express their stories, experiences, and aspirations. Through our workshops, we aim to foster skills in photography and storytelling, empowering individuals to share their perspectives with the world. By hosting collaborative projects and exhibitions, we strive to create meaningful connections and inspire action towards a more inclusive and compassionate world, challenging stereotypes and promoting greater understanding of what it means to be a refugee today.

Currently, we’re seeking a collaborative partner to host our young participants’ exhibition during Refugee Week, showcasing works that delve into the theme of “Our Home.” If your organization shares our commitment to empowering unheard voices and utilizing creativity for meaningful social change, we welcome you to join us in celebrating the diverse talents and stories of our participants. Together, we can amplify their voices.