2023 台灣難民週 REFUGEE WEEK TW 推己及人 Compassion The Moments in Our Lives

2023 台灣難民週 REFUGEE WEEK TW 推己及人 Compassion The Moments in Our Lives

2023 台灣難民週 REFUGEE WEEK TW
推己及人 Compassion
The Moments in Our Lives
June 18 – June 22
Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts and culture festival, celebrating the contributions, resilience, and creativity of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Refugee Week Taiwan joined this worldwide celebration in 2021 with the aim of raising awareness of global displacement in Taiwan.
The theme for this year’s activities is “Compassion: The Moments in Our Lives”. Compassion is not sympathy but the ability to embrace differences and recognise challenges facing other members of society.
Connection is important for nurturing compassion. The more we see, hear, and interact with asylum seekers, the less we ignore, stereotype, and distance ourselves from them. Therefore, in 2023, we selected three films featuring the experiences of people seeking asylum in a foreign land — the fearful, hopeful, and potentially life-changing moments.
—— Events Information ——
▎Events Date: 2023.6.18 (Sun) ~ 6.22 (Thu)
▎Events Schedule (All Online Events / Registration link as below.)
📌 Event Main Page: https://fb.me/e/7riNyv9pj
👉6.18 (Sun) 16:00~17:30 (GMT +8)|Prologue: What is compassion? How to be compassionate?
(The event will be in Mandarin)
👉6.20 (Tue) 20:00~22:00 (GMT +8)|Brightness of the Arts: A story born on the Refugee camp
(The event will be in English and Khmer)
👉6.22 (Thu) 20:00~21:30 (GMT +8)| Compassionate Filmmaking During Displacement
(The event will be in English)
📌 Register events here:https://forms.gle/sb3svzu44ybWjQmXA
—— Events Team ——
Hsiao-Chi Chu|Develop Practitioner, focusing on art/culture, migration/refugee and social inclusion issues.
Chunyuan Hu|The initiator of Refugee 101 Taiwan, a project aiming to raise public awareness of global refugee issues.
▎Co-event Coordinator
Chien-Wen Hsu|International worker, carry out international cooperation through cross-field experience and enhance exchanges and understanding between countries and multiculturalism.
▎Visual Artist
Chen-Wei Lin|Independent Curator
■ Refugee Path (http://www.refugeepath.com)
Refugee Path was established in 2021 by development practitioners Hsiao-Chi Chu and Chunyuan Hu. Through team members’ combined research experience in forced migration and fieldwork in different countries, Refugee Path was created with the hope of building a collaborative-based, knowledge-sharing platform in Taiwan. We have held online interactive co-writing workshops since 2021. In 2022, we decided to organize a refugee week in Taiwan. Refugee Week Taiwan will be held each year as an open forum to discuss the current challenges and opportunities for refugees in Taiwan and beyond.
▎Follow Us
➠Refugee Week Taiwan FB:Fb.com/refugeeweektw
➠Refugee Week Taiwan IG: @refugeeweektw
➠Refugee Path:http://www.refugeepath.com
❑ The series of events is supported by the National Human Rights Museum, Taiwan.

June 18, 2023 - June 22, 2023

Ticket Price:


Axel-Springer-Straße, Berlin, Berlin, 10969, Germany

