Creating Together Refugee Week Special
Join Displace Yourself Theatre for CREATING TOGETHER: a creative sanctuary for this Refugee Week Special. You’re invited to a friendly and inclusive space to get creative and have a go at allsorts of theatre skills, meet new people, remember our passions and have some fun.
These sessions are all about helping us to look after our wellbeing and express ourselves using easy-going arts and drama activities.
They’re completely free, you don’t need to have taken part in anything like this before, and if English is not your first language, don’t worry, we all support each other.
CREATING TOGETHER is open to everyone who would like a bit of a boost to their wellbeing and to feel more creative. But are particularly relevant to:
* People who have come to the UK seeking sanctuary, refuge or asylum
* People looking for creative ways to support their mental health
* Professional Artists looking for a like-minded community
About Displace Yourself
Based in Bradford, Displace Yourself are an ensemble of theatre makers, musicians, visual artists and therapeutic practitioners with over a decade of experience of touring shows, workshops and wellness retreats in the UK and internationally. Our playful performances are wild, tender, and always include our audiences.
Our acclaimed creative wellbeing programmes bring different cultures, hearts and souls to connect across the world. Like theatre, we believe wellness is not a luxury- everyone should be given the therapeutic tools to heal and be well. We are committed to supporting people that are Displaced, whether from their country, their house, their society or from their own mind or body. We strive to be a sense of home, even momentarily, for those that are seeking safety.
We are proudly a Theatre Company of Sanctuary, a Charity, a growing conscious Community. Our ethos of love and care ripples throughout our team and into all the work we do.
Some other things:
A contribution towards travel expenses are available (£5 per person). Please let us know on the day.
No previous creative experience needed.