Hackney as a Safe Haven – School KS2 sessions @Hackney Museum

Hackney as a Safe Haven – School KS2 sessions @Hackney Museum

Hackney Museum runs free sessions for local primary school classes to explore the real life experiences of people who have arrived into Hackney seeking refuge as children. To help them uncover each person’s story the children explore suitcases which contain handling objects and copies of photographs, maps and drawings. We are lucky to be joined by friends of the Museum who share their personal stories and lived experience with the pupils. Some of the stories can be found at childmigrantstories.com

These sessions are only available for  prebooked school groups. These sessions are not open to the public.

This year Hackney Museum is marking Refugee Week from 11th-13th June as our guests will be at events promoting the publishing of Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain – Oral Histories from 1930s to the Present Day over Refugee Week itself.

June 11 - June 13

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Hackney Museum
1 Reading Lane, London, E8 1GQ, United Kingdom