International Webinar on Inclusive Higher Education for People Forced from their Homes

International Webinar on Inclusive Higher Education for People Forced from their Homes

The University of Winchester Sanctuary Network, the University’s Centre of Research for Educational Action and Theory Exchange (CREATE) and Hampshire Universities Together are delighted to host an international webinar about forced migration and higher education.

Today, while an average of more than 40% of the global population are enrolled in higher education, only 7% of refugees are in higher education – a figure that is itself a significant increase from the 1% figure in 2019 (UNHCR, 2024). The central theme of this year’s Refugee Week is Our Home. The experience of uprootedness, and the longing to be at home in the world permeate accounts of the refugee experience. In the face of this reality, this webinar brings together leading researchers to examine how higher education institutions can create inclusive educational spaces where uprooted people can fulfil their potential.

Keynote speakers: Dr Rebecca Murray, Univ. of Sheffield, and Daniel Mutanda, Univ. of Exeter


15.00 – 15.10: Opening Remarks: Dr Wayne Veck

15.10 – 16.00: Keynotes, Routes to Belonging in Higher Education, by Dr Rebecca Murray and
Daniel Mutanda

16.00 – 17.00: Parallel Papers Session 1

17.05 – 18.05: Parallel Papers Session 2

Register here

June 17 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Ticket Price: Free

