Moroccan Cookery Class with Migrateful

Moroccan Cookery Class with Migrateful

sample menu of the dishes that will be taught include:

    • Salaat Jardin (Garden Salad) | Vegetarian; Eggs, Sulphites
    • Tagine Bilhummus (Chickpea Tagine) | Vegan; None
    • Lamb Tagine | Meat (Lamb); Eggs
    • Tagine Garnishes | Vegan; Nuts, Sesame, Sulphites
    • Zaaluk (Roasted Aubergine and Red Pepper) |Vegan; None
    • Batbot (Flat Bread) | Vegan; Gluten
    • Salaat Aljazar Walbarba (Carrot and Beetroot Dessert) | Vegan; None

This menu contains meat (lamb) but is vegetarian friendly (6/7 dishes are meat-free). Allergens include: eggs, nuts, sulphites, gluten, sesame.

A message from our Chef Amanee:

“Hello! I am Amanee from Morocco. I am passionate about cooking and it has always been my dream to be a chef. I love sharing the wonderful flavours of Morocco with people new to them. We have so many delicious dishes. I am the oldest child in my family and I learnt to cook by helping my mother in the kitchen. She taught me how to make things from scratch – to make many types of bread for example. My mother always used fresh ingredients that she bought from the market each day. We lived near the sea and so cooked with a lot of fresh fish. I like our traditional food very much and the traditional methods. I love the sound of the pestle grinding spices in the mortar. We cook using our eyes and our hands, judging ingredients and quantities from experience and taste. Every Moroccan house has mint tea ready for their guests. I look forward to sharing mint tea with you.”

Migrateful is an award-winning charity & social enterprise supporting asylum seekers, refugees & migrants in their journey to integration & independence through preparing them to lead cookery classes in their native cuisine. As well as London, Brighton & Bristol, Migrateful runs classes in Kent hosted at St Martin and St Paul’s Parish in Canterbury. Cuisines include Moroccan and Syrian.

May 28, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Ticket Price: £35


St Martin and St Paul Parish Centre
Church Street, Saint Paul's Canterbury CT1 1NH