Our Home: Refugee Week @ Beck Theatre

Our Home: Refugee Week @ Beck Theatre

Refugee Week is the world's largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of people seeking sanctuary. The theme for this year is ‘Our Home’; from the places we gather to share meals to our collective home, planet earth: everyone is invited to celebrate what our Our Home means to them.

Join us at the Beck Theatre as we welcome guests from Compass Collective, Trinity Homelessness Charity and St Mary's Ukrainian School to share what home means to them, as well as Dr Solon Soloman who will share part of their MIGRATING FEARS project. There will be a Q&A and networking afterwards.

Zhvan Theatre Company will also be doing a presentation of their fourth show, DIDI AND GOGO ARE WAITING, which follows a refugee and an asylum seeker as they attempt to perform the classic play, only to find that they play is more about them than they realised.

June 17, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Ticket Price: Pay What You Can


Beck Theatre
Grange Road, Hayes, Hayes, UB3 2UE, United Kingdom