Our Voice, Our Home, Our Sanctuary
Join us on a journey to celebrate the richness sanctuary seekers bring to Wales!
We, the VOICES Network (supported by the British Red Cross) and City of Sanctuary Ambassadors are people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary in Wales who speak out for change.
We invite you to: Our Voice, Our Home, Our Sanctuary, our Refugee Week launch event! Partnering with Cardiff University, Welsh Refugee Council and Artisan Avenue we’re hosting a vibrant cultural celebration.
Date: Friday, June 14th, 2-4.30 PM.
Venue: Cardiff University–Centre for Student Life, 1st Floor
Registration: Eventbrite
We will kick-start celebrations, inspiring you to learn about our cultures and carry out acts of welcome in the week that follows. Raising awareness to the idea of ‘Home’ there will be:
· Interactive activities exploring different cultures.
· Speeches, music and performance
· Opportunities to learn about welcoming refugees in Wales.
Example activity: Explore the World Through Spices!
Join us for a unique spice blending session led by sanctuary seekers. Learn about the cultural significance of spices in our homelands, how they contribute to a sense of home, and their potential health benefits. Discover the art of creating your own custom spice blends, perfect for adding a touch of global flavor to your meals.
It’s an important time for Wales to lead by example as a Nation of Sanctuary. Let’s celebrate our communities and the home Wales provides.
Everyone is welcome, we’d be delighted to have you! Please share with your networks!
With thanks,
Ambassadors from the VOICES Network & City of Sanctuary