Refugee Week Peterborough: A Night of Monologues, Music & Poetry
62 Gladstone Street hosts White Kite Collective for a night of monologues, music and poetry.
This is a fundraising event. All proceeds go to H.E.L.P, the Ghassan Abu Sittah Children’s Fund, and White Kite Collective.
We want to ensure this event is accessible and inclusive. If you would like to attend but are not in a position to buy a ticket, please don’t hesitate to email us: standwithpals@gmail.com
All are welcome, but booking is essential. Please only purchase a ticket if you’re able to attend. As this event is in demand, if you have purchased a ticket and can no longer attend please contact the box office at your earliest convenience so that we can resell your ticket.
We would be so grateful if you’re able to donate anything you can to this fundraiser, even if you can’t be with us on the 20th. You can also choose to donate to White Kite Collective – a grassroots group of cultural workers united in support of the Palestinian people – so that we can continue this work; we are a grassroots collective with very little funding, and we very much appreciate any donations.
Donate here: https://donorbox.org/white-kite-collective
Find out more: @62gladstonest @whitekitecollective