Writing Hurts

Writing Hurts

Join Exiled Writers Ink for an evening of poetry and discussion at Keats House, Hampstead, with acclaimed poets Dr Fouad M. Fouad, Dr Jennifer Langer and Ziba Karbassi.

Taking part in our special event for Refugee Week 2023 are:

Syrian doctor poet Fouad M. Fouad left his city of Aleppo in 2012 and took refuge in Lebanon. He now lives in London. He has published five collections, the most recent being Once Upon a Time in Aleppo (Hippocrates Press, 2020). The poems record the witness of an outraged doctor and writer in desperate times.

Jennifer Langer is the founding director of Exiled Writers Ink, editor of five anthologies of exiled literature and a poet. Her debut poetry collection is The Search (Victorina Press, 2021) which is an exploration of the poet’s complex identity as the daughter of German Jewish refugees who fled Nazi Germany for Britain. Born of the memory of loss, she dreams of a lost world snatching at fragments, striving to create a narrative.

Ziba Karbassi was born in Tabriz, Iran. She has published ten books of poetry in Persian and two books in English and Italian and is widely regarded as the most accomplished Persian poet of her generation. She has read widely across Europe and America. Translations by Stephen Watts have appeared in such journals as Poetry Review and Modern Poetry in Translation. She was chairperson of the Iranian Writers Association (in exile) from 2002 to 2004, editor of Asar-nameh and on the editorial committee of Exiled Ink literature magazine in London. In 2012, she was chosen by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre (CPRC) at Birkbeck, University of London, as a revolutionary world poet.

June 22, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Ticket Price: £5.00


Keats House
Keats House, London, County (optional), NW3 2RR, United Kingdom