Hand holding a mobile phone displaying photosList compiled by Siva Thangarajah at IMIX 


Guide to different types of social media videos  

iMovie: free video editing tool for Mac and iPhones 

Lightworks: free video editing tool with paid features 

Instagram has features to add text and basic editing features in-app if you want to share social media videos directly on Instagram. 

Social media graphics 

Canva: free and paid versions (charities can get Canva Pro for free) 

Adobe Creative Cloud Express: app and website to create social media graphics. Free and paid versions. 

Unfold: free. An app to design Instagram stories 

Edit and resize photos for your digital platforms 

GIMP: a free version of Photoshop for computers.  

Adobe Lightroom: App and paid version for computers. App is free.  

Planning your social media 

Tweetdeck: Twitter’s free scheduling and planning tool 

Facebook Creator Studio: Schedule and manage Instagram and Facebook posts. (You need to connect your Instagram profile to Facebook. Here is how you can do that.) 

Other social media scheduling tools 

There are free and paid versions. These all have free versions with limitations on how many posts you can schedule. However, if you are one organisation, this should not be an issue.  




Apps to plan your Instagram videos and photos.

Big on Instagram? Use these apps to plan out your images and videos ahead of time so you know what your feed looks like. Free and paid versions.



IMIX is a charity that works to change the conversation about migration and refugees to create a more welcoming society. IMIX leads on media for Refugee Week.