How can teachers and schools staff best support the psycho-emotional needs of students from sanctuary seeking backgrounds?

This online workshop was held by Schools of Sanctuary on 12 May 2022 as part of the run up to Refugee Week 2022, which will take place 20-26 June, with the theme ‘Healing’.

Over 80 teachers and school staff joined the session, which looked at the challenges facing sanctuary seeking children and young people, approaches to supporting them in the classroom, and how a ‘healing’ approach can benefit students of all backgrounds.


  • Sara Trewhitt and Zaina Aljumma, City of Sanctuary (Schools of Sanctuary)
  • Josh Corlett, Education Coordinator at the International Rescue Committee
  • Karen Chouhan, Lead Equalities Officer at the National Education Union


Refugee Week schools resources
Schools of Sanctuary: info and resource pack
IRC Healing Classrooms

NEU resource: Welcoming Refugee Children to your School
NEU anti-racism charter

About Schools of Sanctuary

Schools of Sanctuary is a national network of over 300 primary and secondary schools all committed to creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for refugees and people seeking asylum. Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, this network supports the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, raises awareness of the issues facing people in the asylum system, challenges misconceptions and builds social cohesion.⁣

Visit the Schools of Sanctuary website to view the resource pack and find out more about becoming a School of Sanctuary.

Refugee Week at Your School

Hundreds of schools take part in Refugee Week every year, using creative activities to grow their understanding of refugee experiences, and show their support for people seeking safety. We are proud that City of Sanctuary (coordinators of Schools of Sanctuary) and the National Education Union are national Refugee Week partners.

Visit the ‘Children & Young People’ page of our website for ideas and resources to help you take part in Refugee Week in your school.