“I trust the people of this country so I’m not afraid to campaign,” said Syrian refugee and aspiring pilot Maya Ghazal during Refugee Week 2017.
“And I believe that when enough people understand us, understand the difficulties we face, things will change for the better.”
Making a change in ourselves is the first step to changing the world we live in.
The second step is sharing that change with the people around us. It’s through conversations and sharing experiences that movements begin to grow.
So, if you believe that refugees deserve safety, dignity and a chance to start again, then Refugee Week is the time to spread the word.
We all have bigger and wider networks than we imagine. We have the power to start conversations that would never otherwise happen, and together, that can lead to real change.
You could use one of these ideas to start, or think of your own:
- Watch a film about refugees with your colleagues or classmates. Have a conversation about it.
- Lend a book about exile to someone who’d wouldn’t have otherwise read it.
- Commit to having one conversation about refugees with someone who might not have the same view as you. Listen. Share your experiences. Take a look at these resources on how to have difficult conversations from HOPE not hate for some guidance before you start.
- Get some friends together and join a campaign for refugee rights. Take a look at the websites of Refugee Week’s national partners for current actions, or search the web for a refugees welcome group in your local area.
How did it go? Let us know by sharing on social media using the hashtag #SimpleActs (or email us).
Thank you for helping more people understand the experiences of refugees. Like Maya said, that is how things will change.