We invite everyone to take part in Refugee Week whether you have 5 minutes or 5 months to plan an activity. At this year’s Refugee Week 2023 Online Conference; Lara (Refugee Week Coordinator) and Dalia (Refugee Week Producer) chatted through the 3 key ways you can get involved in Refugee Week.

Here are three top ways you can be part of Refugee Week 2023:

  1. On your doorstep
    There is fantastic Refugee Week activity happening all across UK and around the world. So a great way to get involved is by finding out what’s happening in your local area. You can take part by either attending events, volunteering or getting in touch to collaborate. Here is a list of regional contacts plus find out what’s happening by researching online too!
  2. Simple Acts
    Every year we provide simple, every day actions that anyone can do to stand in solidarity with refugees and make connections in their local community. For 2023 there are 10 simple acts which you can discover here.
  3. Organise an event
    To help get you started you can use our Event Organiser Pack or our Schools & Educator pack. Both have many resources, materials and ideas to support your event organising. In the past we’ve had events as big as city wide festivals to events as simple as sharing a meal or a running a football match. The schools pack has info on all kinds of ways schools can get involved, from holding assemblies and dedicated lessons, to creative activities and launching longer-term projects.
    Event Organiser Pack
    Children & Young People’s Pack

    – Social Media Pack (coming soon!)
    You can also help by share our Refugee Week poster and postcards which will be available on our shop soon alongside other beautiful products from Anqa collective. 

And here are the presentation slides for reference.

For lots of inspiration check out these recordings from the Refugee Week 2023 Conference here.