Refugee Week may last only seven days, but the movement towards a kinder, more compassionate, equitable, and joyful world continues all year around. 

Once June draws to a close, we invite you to carry the spirit and energy of Refugee Week with you and continue to stand in solidarity with people seeking sanctuary.

We know that change doesn’t happen overnight but the accumulation of each action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to a movement of positive change. When we come together, our collective power is boundless.

Our National Partners are busy year round with their important work and impactful campaigns. Discover who they are here and how you can support them.

Here are some ideas for staying involved:

In your Organisation

Join the Together with Refugees campaign: Join the hundreds of organisations who have already signed up to Together With Refugees, calling for a kinder, more compassionate approach to refugees – so they can seek safety in the UK, rebuild their lives and make a valuable contribution to our society. Take a look at the get involved page for more information about how you can get involved in your organisation, local group or as an individual. #TogetherWithRefugees #WhoWeAre.

If you are a large business

Become a member of Tent UK, a new coalition of major 70 businesses committed to connecting refugees to employment. Working to support refugees into the workplace at scale, Tent UK’s services are free of charge for members and include: resources and trainings for HR teams; the sharing of best practices and ideas from Tent’s global network of over 400 major companies across a dozen countries who are hiring and integrating refugees, as well as tailored programmes and insights to the UK market context; regular convenings and workshops with other Tent UK member companies for peer-to-peer learning; and introductions to best-in-class partners across the UK that can source talent from refugee background based on the type of roles, the location, and their past performance. Get in touch here.

In your Local Area

Join a City of Sanctuary group: City of Sanctuary UK supports a network of groups across the UK which are welcoming people seeking sanctuary in a range of different ways. Local City of Sanctuary groups offer opportunities to stand with refugees through volunteering, advocacy and more. Find out more and join or start a group in your local area

Sponsor a refugee family: Sponsor Refugees works with community groups across the UK to welcome and resettle a refugee family to their local neighbourhood through community sponsorship. Anyone can get involved in community sponsorship, whether you’re a group of friends or members of a faith institution. Find out more

At your School

Become a School of Sanctuary: Part of City of Sanctuary, Schools of Sanctuary is a growing network with more than 300 primary and secondary schools all committed to supporting the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, creating a culture of welcome, and raising awareness of the issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers. Find out how your school can get involved.

Use resources from the NEU: The National Education Union (NEU) has resources to support schools to develop an anti-racist approach and welcome refugee children all year round.

At your University or College

Join or start a STAR group: STAR (Student Action for Refugees) is the national network of students building a more understanding and just society where refugees are welcomed and can thrive in the UK. STAR groups in colleges and universities work to bring about lasting change by volunteering locally with refugees, campaigning national for policy change and learning about refugee protection and asylum in the UK. Find out more and find or start a STAR group. 

With Family and Friends

If you have friends or family who say negative things about refugees, you are in a unique position to provide guidance to them. And as a loved one, your guidance will be more persuasive to them than any organisation or politician. Freedom From Torture’s new messaging guide is based on research into the most effective approaches to these conversations. See this Twitter thread of practical tips, or read the full guide

Join a Campaign

STOP THE REFUGEE BAN BILL: Write to your MP today and call on them to oppose the cruel Refugee Ban Bill here with Freedom From Torture.

Fair & Humane System: Join the Refugee Council’s Campaign for a Fair and Humane Asylum System and call on the Government to take action to improve the lives of people seeking safety in the UK

Fight the Anti-Refugee Laws: In April 2022 the Nationality and Borders Bill passed in Parliament, turning the anti-refugee bill into the anti-refugee laws. These laws represent the biggest attack on the refugee protection system that we have ever seen and will close the door to desperate people who arrive in the UK to seek safety. Join Refugee Action in their campaign to fight the anti-refugee laws and stand up for asylum.

Lift the Ban: Join the campaign to give people seeking asylum the right to work. Find out more

Artists and Arts Organisations

Platforma Arts and Refugee Network, managed by Counterpoints Arts, supports and develops arts and culture by, about and with refugees and migrants, including through one-to-one information to artists and organisations. Find out more.

City of Sanctuary’s Arts Stream of Sanctuary, supported by Counterpoints Arts, aims to inspire, support and promote the use of arts in nurturing a culture and practice of welcome for people seeking sanctuary in the UK, including through its Sanctuary in Arts Awards’ for arts organisations. Find out more.

Join the Movement is one of nine Simple Acts you can do for Refugee Week 2024. To view them all, visit the Simple Acts page.